The Management of the Uncontrolled Movement

The Management of the Uncontrolled Movement

Low intensity kinesiotherapy system targeted on a case by case basis.

         Certified kinetic control system, combines innovative technologies according to the design of experienced scientists in the field of Physiotherapy and Physical Education. An all-in-one solution.

          After a detailed evaluation by the physiotherapist we build an exercise program that can be included in the treatment regimen or given to the patient for execution at home. With insightful analysis, monitoring tools, beautifully designed instructional videos, photos and built-in instructions in the patient's personal mailbox or smart phone. The software is user friendly to encourage you to use it with optimal results. Come to know it and see how the integrated Kinetic control program can take your practice to the next level.

An intuitive app

An intuitive app. Empowering. Easy to use

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